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Home Learning - Our Intent & Aims


At Torre Academy our aim is to ensure that children are always able to access and engage in meaningful
education outside of the school day. We recognise that focused learning whilst at home can be a challenge but we work closely with all of our families to ensure that all of our children are provided with the best possible learning
experiences at home.

Home learning is sent out by all teachers for children in Years 1 - 6 on a Friday and is expected to be returned by
the following Friday. Where needed home learning tasks will be differentiated to ensure that all children can access age related expectations and achieve their potential.


All home learning tasks fit within the 3Rs (Ready, Revisit and Revise) model:

Ready - This is a task which helps the children to prepare for the next week’s learning.
Revisit - This is a chance to go over previous learning in order to keep it fresh.
Revise - This is some extra practice which covers learning from the school term.

Home Learning Visual.png
Home Learning Visual.png
Home Learning Policy
Home Learning Workshop (Nov 2023)
Home Learning EYFS


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