Every School Day Counts!
There are 190 school days each year, this means that there are 175 non-school days a year Every school day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning. Attendance percentages can be misleading. If we took a maths test 90% would be great: but do you know what it really means when looking at attendance?
Persistent Absence
Defined as 10% or more of sessions missed (based on each pupil's possible sessions). Absences may be authorised or unauthorised
Severe Absence
Defined as 50% or more of sessions missed (based on each pupil's possible sessions). Absences may be authorised or unauthorised.
For further information on whether to send your child to school, please click this link from the NHS for further guidance - https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/ . Alternatively, a copy of our attendance policy is found below.

Absences and Sickness
If your child is away from school please keep us informed, i.e. before 9.30am of the first day of absence with the reason why they are absent. If you have not informed the office before 9.30am, we follow safeguarding procedures and will try to contact parents/carers/those on our contacts list to ascertain a reason for absence. Schools must record unauthorised absences and report them to the Department for Education. If a child is away from school for some time you may receive a visit from the Educational Welfare Officer.