Overcoming Barriers to Learning at Torre
The rigorous planning process that underpins our curriculum helps ensure that no child is left behind and that all pupils have the same opportunities to experience success. The teaching strategies employed by teachers as part of their pedagogical repertoire are designed to maximise learning through using time and resources to best effect. Our learning enquiries are always personalised so that they meet the needs of each and every pupil. In order to do this, assessment is our key to the identification of need. It is through this identification that each child’s next steps can be planned.

Others strategies we have adopted to support us in our mission to overcome barriers to learning;
National breakfast programme offered to all children every morning. Hot bagels and cereals are offered daily for all children in the school on arrival.
Support with uniform costs and pre-loved uniform sales to ensure all children feel equally prepared for the school day.
Children who have barriers to their learning are prioritised for daily interventions, pre-teaching, mentoring and extra tuition.
Parent forums and workshops are held each half term to support families with learning in the home.
A focus on oracy and the development of language from the earliest opportunity using programmes to support children such as Speech and Language Link and Early Talk Boost.
Our SENDCo has vast experience working as a family support teacher and also holds a Nurture Network qualification. Supporting families is a big part of her role and she is available almost daily with advice and further links to services.
Our attendance support team are available daily.
NHS Mental Health Support Team are on site at two for two mornings a week offering family mental health support and some pupil CBT. See ‘Health and Well-being’ tab.