Computing – Our content, aims and concepts
At Torre, we recognise the integral part that technology plays in our children’s lives and aim to equip children to become active and responsible participants in the ever-changing digital world. All of our children from years 2 to 6 have their own Chromebook to support their learning and the younger years have access to iPads. We are aware that our children’s access to technology outside of school varies widely and also of the barriers and stereotypes that exist in the world of Computing, particularly around gender and race. We therefore aim to inspire all children to consider themselves as the computational thinkers and computer scientists of the future. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) introduces young learners to the basics of computing through fun and engaging activities that develop their understanding of technology, problem-solving skills, and digital literacy. Furthermore, we aim to develop children’s perception of technology as a tool for learning, innovation and discovery, as well as helping them to understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences. As a school, we understand the importance of keeping children safe online, regularly completing training through Flick Learning.
COMPUTING – Examples of Computing Learning Experiences at Torre